Apple Operating Systems    Apple IIe Apple IIe Code Names: Diana, LCA (Low Cost Apple), Super II In the Apple IIe, when doing the self-test (control-SolidApple-reset), hold down command. What that does is play a squeaky note during the whole self-test which takes about 10 seconds.   Apple IIgs •Apple IIGS: Cortland, Phoenix (because the project had been revived after being cancelled), Rambo (when the design team was fighting for final approval from the executive staff), Gumby (from an impersonation done at Apple’s Halloween parade). •Apple II file management utility: (ancestor of the Macintosh and IIGS Finder), was originally named "Fishhead", but was changed to FID by the Apple programmers after complaints from Apple management. Unknown to management FID stood for "Fishhead In Disguise". IIgs Finder Easter Eggs: •When running the Finder 1.2 with the GS 4.0 Operating System, if you hold down Option (or on the IIe-upgraded to a IIgs, the solid-Apple key) and select the Apple menu and the 'About the Finder' option, the screen then flips upside-down and back-to-front, the "The Apple IIGS Finder" dialog box re-draws the right way up, leaving the background desktop upside-down. The cursor also flips upside-down, but still maintains the proper x-y movement. It is possible, but less common, for the cursor to move in the inverse direction. Upon key-click the normal desktop picture will appear. From: Brendan Bellina ( •Hold down Shift and Option in System 5.0.2 while selecting the apple menu and "About the Finder" will be replaced with "About the System". On a ROM 03 IIGS clicking the pointer in the top area of the "About the System" dialog causes the computer to play the digitized sound of the Apple IIGS Engineers yelling "Apple two". The sound will not play on a ROM 01 IIGS. (There is no ROM 02 IIGS.) From: Brendan Bellina ( •In System 5.0.4 holding down option-shift will change "About the Finder..." to "About the System" which brings up a dialog box "Apple IIGS System Disk 5.0". There are 5 icons you can click on: GS/OS, Toolbox, Finder etc., Firmware, and SWAdmin. These subsequently give you the names of the people who worked on each part (there's quite a lot of them, and funnily enough some of the same names crop up in the Mac system software credits). From: Shiro Wilde ( ) •Also in System 5.0.4 every fourth time you choose "About the Finder..." from the Apple menu shows the additional line "tested by Brenda Knudson & Margarita Sang". From: Shiro Wilde ( ) IIGS Control Panel Eggs: •System 5.0.4: Clicking on the Version 1.0 box displayed from within the Control Panel NDA will display a short flying plane animation. From: Brendan Bellina ( •System 6.0.1: Clicking on the Version number displayed from within the Control Panel NDA will display a dialog box containing information about the author and a copyright notice. From: Brendan Bellina ( •System 6.x: Clicking on the phrase "days left in this year" in the Time Control Panel will display the number of "days 'til Christmas". From: Brendan Bellina ( Other IIgs Easter Eggs: •In System 5.0.4 Setting the auxiliary type of the System:ExpressLoad file to 5254 will make the word "ExpressLoad" appear under the startup thermometer. From: Brendan Bellina ( •Pressing Control-Option-Open Apple "N" on the "Check Startup Device" screen (an error screen displayed when the Startup Slot is set to a non-existent or empty disk drive) will display the names of the Apple technicians responsible for the IIGS Firmware, Tools, Hardware, and Diagnostics. From: Brendan Bellina ( •In the Apple IIgs when doing the self-test (control-Option-reset), hold down command. What that does is play a squeaky note during the whole self-test which takes about 10 seconds. From: (John H. Laughlin)   Macintosh Plus Macintosh Plus: Mr. T (perhaps of The A Team, but Apple’s chief scientist Larry Tesler shares this nickname) Entering G 40E118 into the debugger will give you a tiny “Stolen from Apple Computer” message in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.   Macintosh SE Macintosh SE: Mac plus or minus, Z^2, PlusPlus, Aladdin, Freeport, Maui, Chablis Press the interrupt switch (broken circle on the back left side of your Mac). Upon doing that you will see the debugger in which you enter G 41D89A. You will then see pictures of the Mac development team. Reboot to get out of it. You can also type Set PC to 41D789A. (The engineers were able to include these digitized pictures because they based the Mac SE on the same 256-kilobyte ROMs in the Mac II, but the Mac SE didn’t need many of the things contained therein, so there was plenty of extra space in which to hide their Easter egg. Later versions of the Mac SE do not contain this picture. From The Mac Bathroom Reader.) Entering G 4188A4 into the debugger will give you a tiny “Stolen From Apple Computer” message in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.   Macintosh SE/30 Macintosh SE/30 Code Name: Green Jade, Fafnir Press the interrupt switch to get into the debugger. Use the command DMA 4082E853 20 to display a few bytes of memory from location 4082E853 onwards. The bytes spell out in ASCII, “WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT?”. On an SE/30, go into MacsBug or the interrupt debugger, and type G 04D98A. I have no idea what that does. Also, type G EB1000 into MacsBug or the interrupt debugger. This displays the "Macintosh SE/30 Engineering Hall of Fame". Entering pc=E11000;G works too. The only way out is to press the reset button. ...Or try this: The ingredients: -One Macintosh SE/30 -System 7.0 or 7.0.1 -Kerry Clendinning's "Easy Keys 1.5" Control Panel, or any other INIT/FKEY that patches _Launch, like OutToLaunchFKEY or LaunchFinderFKEY QUED/M 2.09 (The text editor from Paragon; little brother of NISUS) Assign some key combinations in Easy Keys Control Panel. Launch QUED/M, and press the key combination. Then, an "address error" bomb alert comes up, but you can click on "Continue" to keep going -- go ahead and click "Continue". Everything is normal again until you quit QUED/M, at which time the screen blanks to all white except for a Mac icon and a "Mac SE/30 Engineering Hall of Fame" list. The same one from above! That’s kind of wierd.   Macintosh Classic Classic Code Name: XO Hold down Command-Option-x-o as you start up. If you wait long enough-not too long!, the Mac creates an internal ROM disk (System 6.03, Finder 6.1x, this version is not recommended for the Classic so I don’t recommend you use it for any work.). If you then use a utility like ResEdit that lets you see invisible folders, you’ll see a list of people who worked on the Classic in the ROM’s system folder. Look for the "Brought to you by" folder conataining more hidden folders with names of developers. "XO" was chosen because the that was the development name of the computer.   Macintosh IIci Macintosh IIci Cache Card Code Name: American Express, Optima (both are “cash cards,” get it?) Macintosh IIci Code Name: Aurora II, Cobra II, Pacific, Stingray Set the date to 09/20/89 (release date), set your monitor to 8-bit color, restart, and hold down Command-Option-c-i as you reboot. A color picture of the machine’s design team appears. Click to continue. On a IICI type DMA 4086EC48 999 to see: "SO... WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT?"   Macintosh IIsi Code Names: Oceanic, Ray Ban (as in “the future’s so bright, you gotta wear shades”…it shipped to developers with a pair of sunglasses), Erickson, Raffica, Raffika Enter the debugger and type DMA 4086F088 20. The bytes there spell out "SO...WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT?"   Macintosh IIfx Macintosh IIfx Code Names: Stealth, Blackbird, F-16, F-19, Four Square, IIxi, Zone 5, Weed-Whacker Set the date to 03/19/90 (its release date). Then restart with Command-Option-f-x. You will also see a picture of the design team. Click to continue.   Macintosh LCIII Macintosh LC III Code Names: Vail, Elsie III Type DMA 40843B38 190 to see “Life is Good” repeated. Type DMA 4088A1E8 999 to see “Yeah” repeated. Type DMA 4088B0E8 999 to see “Neat” repeated. Type DMA 408D3B68 200 to see a bunch of initials starting with “SLRWHBB...” and finishing with “Mon. Oct. 21, 1991” At DMA 408EFFF8 999 you will see the same initials as you would on the Powerbook 170 starting with “HJR...” but finishing with “Mon. Oct. 21, 1991” (Probably the date the ROM was hooked up)   Macintosh LC 520 Type DMA 40805378 999 to see Gary repeated 46 times. (Either this guy is a psychopath or an egotist.) From: Dave (   Powerbook 170 PowerBook 170 Code Names: Road Warrior, Tim Type DMA 40843B38 190 to see “Life is Good” repeated over and over again. Type DMA 40889798 999 to see “Yeah” repeated. Type DMA 4088AED8 999 to see “Neat” repeated. ...And if you type either DMA 408CA958 999, or DMA 408D8FD8 999 you will see a list of, I think, initials starting with “HJRBGMSH” and finishing off with “Tue, Jul 18, 1989” repeated over and over again. This was probably the date that the ROM was hooked up.   Performa 630 Manuel Kaspe ( sent me a list of locations for easter eggs in the Performs ROM. He also sent me the amount of times they appear. Detail is good. Just type DMA (the given address) 999 to see the below locations. Times Found what Address ------------------------------------------- 46 "Gary" 40805358 23 "Life is good" 40843B18 5 "Gary" 4086C998 349 "YEAH" 4088A659 638 "NEAT" 4088B108   Quadra 840AV Quadra 840AV: Quadra 1000, Cyclone In the debugger, preferably MacsBug, type DMA 40811FE8 240 to see a large bunch of credits for the “The Super Rom™ Super Team”. This includes the credits for Central, RISC, MSAD, Cyclone, and a special “thankzzz to all who contributed to past ROMs and system 7.x.” At DMA F9A4D4 100 it says "Barf, no more empty queu elements-LeakWatching". Type DMA E67E5E 999 to see the name Caro Enricuccio repeated. Type DMA E67E5E 999 to see “Ah Que Couco” repeated. At DMA E5E83E 100 you will see a bunch of random and wierd words combined. This is what you see (without the dots): “Peace, Cow Boys, Frogs, Sayonara, Krisprolls, No Maastricht, Vikings, Reindeer, Kurtoffein, Bowler Hats, Spaghetti, Dykes, Cead Mile Failte, Siesta, Kiwis, Bankers, Chocolate, Aussies, King Kong, Kim-Li-Sung, Sandokan, Equator, Made in, Sylvie Vartan, Praha, Tatra.” All three of the above are in the modem section of the ROM, which may or may not have any significance. I have a Geoport Modem which uses Express Modem software, if that helps. All I can make from this is that some of the development was done in Japan or in another country and that they left some marks of their own in the ROM.   Performa 6115CD Typing DMA 3A091 50 or DMA 3E4F1 50 in MacsBug will bring you to two locations where it says “Ol’ McDonald had a Farm... It’s also a bitch, then you die too!” Seriously, I don’t even want to know. Type DM 642F1 in MacsBug to see “Flush to Execute” Type DMA D13E1 999, DMA EA811 999, DMA EB111 999, or DMA 40A98202 999 (the text changes locations so it should be around those addresses listed) to see a big list of common phrases, credits, and awkward humor. It is all broken down with numbers and symbols pertaining to a letter. I cleaned it up a bit. Here is what I made of it (the underlines are letters I did not know): JIM OCHEE AND BRUCE ONES ARE EXTREME. JEFF OBB IS AN EXTREMEMLY HYPER PERSON. RIC RAUT ALWAYS CODES DAY AND NIGHT. JACK, HUCK, AND HIL ARE COOL MANAGERS. BRIAN OPPING HAD A FAST IMAGINATION. BRUCE, JOHNSON, AND EW IRNE ARE TAN MEN. SEAN ARENT AND SCOTT LOYD TAUGHT US. JIM OTTER WROTE THE MOST TOOLBOX CODE. MARY AVIDIAN LEAD THE EMULATOR TEAM. JIM, SHANNON, AND DON FIXED. MIKEY COUGALL IS A QUALITY BULLDOG. WAYNE WILL KILL ME WHEN HE FINDS THIS. DAVE AND ELISSA HELPED FIX PROBLEMS. SHEILA BRADY WAS INFINITELY WISE WITH US. CHRIS UTTALL TESTED THIS AWESOME CODE. DONNA YACKE MADE SURE WE DID IT ON TIME. ROBIN, DIANA, AND STEVEN ARE GREAT BOSS'S. BARBARA NICHOLS KEPT US ALL ENTERTAINED. MATT ELMON RAN OUR BEASTLY MACHINES. TOM WILSON WAS THE KEEPER OF THE BUILD. IF ONLY THAT TREE HADN'T BEEN THERE. THE'RE NOT QUITE THERE YET. WHEN HE STOPS NOBODY KNOWS. WOULDN'T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT THE POWDERED TOAST MAN . ONE IS TALL, ONE IS SHORT, GO FIGURE. THAT WE'RE NOT EXACTLY SURE. THAT BOY IS SMART. THAT WOULD BE ME. ONE MAN CODING MACHINES. THE HUMAN. THOSE GUYS ARE PROGRAMMING GENIUSES. HE SAID WE HAD TO PUT THIS IN BEFORE. WAYNE PLEASE DON T KILL ME. THAT A THANKLESS JOB. HER FLOWING HAIR INSPIRED US ALL. THE NASTIEST, GNARLIEST, TEXT TOOL AROUND. WE NEVER COULD HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT HER. THEY WENT HEAD TO HEAD WITH OUR FRIEND. JACK EXCUSE ME PLEASE. MICHAEL CAN KISS MY.... THEY'LL ONLY TAKE A MINUTE TO REBOOT. THE MOST COMPLEX THING EVER INVENTED.   PowerMac 7500 From: Rafi Goldberg (Rafi M Using the Power Mac 7500 in MacsBug, type DMA 00034FC0 and take a look. It says: "Hey, put this in ROM for real!"